The Mystical Legends of Our Bedtime Stories in the Boreal Forest

Weesakayjac had mystical powers and could cause very strange things to happen to animals, things and events in the Indigenous world. Weesakayjac could talk to animals in the language and the animals could understand him and interact with him. Weesakayjac could foretell what would happen if natural laws were broken. He could bestow animals with shape-shifting for a certain purpose.

Nanaboozhoo's domain exists in the Indigenous world of Gichigamiing, Lake Superior, and the region. Nanaboozhoo threw a bolt of lightning that cracked open the canyon known today as Ouimet Canyon. Nanaboozhoo became immortalized as the Sleeping Giant when Ojibwe's secrets passed on from Nanaboozhoo became known. Nanaboozhoo had warned them to keep it a secret. If they didn't Nanaboozhoo would turn into stone. There lies Nanaboozhoo to be seen today.

Oral tradition shaped our Indigenous culture for thousands of years. Oral tradition made possible the story and existence of Weesakayjac and Nanaboozhoo in our collective minds as Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island.

Teaching by Roger Fobister Sr.

Full teaching can be found on the Kwayaciiwin Facebook Page


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